Monday 3 January 2011

Testing out the new camera and some new Photoshop skills

Yesterday me and Sarah decided we would visit a local park, it was a dull overcast day, but we decided we would still go out

we decided to go to parsloes park which takes just over 5 minutes to walk to, there was another one we was considering which was Mayesbrook park, once at Parsloes park we walked through the park for about 10 minutes taking some photos on the way to the lake, most of which I have since edited in Adobe Photoshop, which I would love to share with you all, so if you would like to, please follow this link to the album or if you are too busy to look at that album you can easily just look at some of my favourites from the album which you can see below


Those are my two favourite photos, and they are also two photos that I edited in Photoshop after receiving help and advice on what to change about the image from some very helpful people on some forums, which was shadows and highlights, and some others I cropped, and that was it, no more adjustments, so it looks like the camera is capable of providing some great images after all

But as some forum members have mentioned my exposure adjustments need some mastering, so I will keep practising with different exposure settings and loads of other settings that are available on the camera, such as ISO, metering modes and so on, I have a long way to go yet, at the moment I would class myself as beginner, even though I have been taking photos for years, for 95% of that time, it has mainly been with my previous camera which was a Canon Powershot A460 and whilst I had the camera, most of the time the only settings and controls I would use on the camera were auto mode and scene mode, such as the snow mode

But now I have the Canon A3000 IS, which is only available from Argos incase you are interested in the camera, and I am spoilt for choice compared to the A460 that I previously had and I am able to be much more creative now

Now I would like to get some accessories to go with the camera such as a full length tripod and my own mini tripod, as I am borrowing a mini tripod at the moment, which I used in most shots when we went over the park yesterday

So as my feelings are continuously changing it seems towards the camera I think I am finally feeling comfortable with the camera now and now have overcome most doubts I had about the camera, I guess I will need to remember this when I buy any other new cameras I will buy in the future, a case of getting used to something different than what I am used to that is

So now I can finally rest my mind as far as doubts go about the camera, it is time to have loads of fun, which I am sure I will be having for quite some years ahead or until I get a new camera, which will most likely be a DSLR, but that will not be soon unless somebody that can afford to wants to buy me one? Any volunteers out there? Thought not

So all joking to the side, I will continue to update as I do most of the time with more photos, I will try to visit other places rather than Beam Valley country park the next time I go out on the bike with my camera, or I may go out to another park, but walk there, but I do miss Hainault Forest which is quite far, I love the place though, great for photos and although very tiring, great for riding, but I have not been there in a while, so I may not find it so tiring the next time I go there

So keep visiting this blog and I will keep you all updated, my visit to Hainault may not be soon though, but I do not want to leave it too long before going there again

Do you have any suggestions on where to ride to for some great riding and photography? Would love to hear from you, if you would like to you can comment on this post, you can post anonymously too if you want to

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